identity statement
““St. Brendan’s is a Catholic school embracing our diverse community with faith and courage in the spirit of the Mercy tradition”.”
Our school has a long history centred around the life of St Brendan the Navigator.
St. Brendan's is a Parish Primary School providing a Catholic Education for families.
St. Brendan' s opened in 1891.
Sisters of Mercy arrived at St. Brendan's in 1899.
St. Brendan's has a rich history of providing a quality Catholic Education.
St. Brendan's has grown significantly over the years and has had a number of large building projects to accommodate increasing enrolments.
Full history of the school is available on
Who was St. Brendan?
St. Brendan The Navigator is the Patron Saint of our School.
St. Brendan was a navigator who originated from Ireland.
He sailed the seven seas in a carrach made from oxen hide.
He sailed the seas for seven years.
We celebrate St. Brendan' s Feast Day on May 16th.
The School Hymn to St. Brendan The Navigator is available to purchase in CD format from the school office.
We have a stained glass window of The Voyage of St. Brendan in the Community Information Centre.
Our Staff Leadership Team consists of our Principal, Deputy Principal, Catholic Identity Leader, Learning and Teaching Leaders (Junior, Middle and Senior).
Our Leadership Team meets regularly to build a culture of school improvement and performance developing learning and teaching programs focused on evidence based decision making.
The Leadership Team has committed to responding to new understandings and changing contexts, engaging in continuous improvement in order to meet the needs of the students.
The establishment of our Professional Learning Teams has supported staff to focus on issues that enhance student performance as teachers share ideas, plan and teach together, create opportunities to learn from each other, and work collaboratively solving problems together as a team.
Effective teaching for learning requires a whole school approach, and our leaders and teachers have identified and articulated a clear sense of purpose for our school with a focus on enhancing learning and teaching interactions with students in our Learning Communities.
School Governance Standards
St. Brendan’s is committed to the principles of liberal democracy.
St. Brendan’s educates its Learners about the country we live in, the law of the land and our right to freedom of speech, association and religion.
St. Brendan’s educates its Learners to be lawful and responsible citizens.
St. Brendan’s proudly recognises and pays respect to our traditional landowners, the Bangarang and Yorta Yorta people.
St. Brendan’s educates its Learners to be respectful and value all individuals, proudly raising two flags: Australian and Aboriginal.
At St. Brendan’s we address this by:
Our school displays a poster of democratic values as required by the Australian Government.
The Civics and Citizenship domain of the Victorian Curriculum, which is required to be taught in all Catholic schools provides students with knowledge, skills and opportunities to understand and practise what it means to be a citizen in a democracy.
Acknowledgement of Country is part of our Assemblies and we have the Australian and Aboriginal flag in our courtyard. Our children sing the National Anthem each Assembly.