Student Attendance

Each day, twice daily, we monitor the attendance of all students.  Teachers mark the class roll electronically at 9am and at 1.50pm.  All attendances/absences are recorded on our Database.

Student Absence

If your child is sick, has an appointment or is going on a family holiday, please notify us via PAM (Parent Access Module) by 9am each morning, or alternatively call the School office on 58 211 926 after 8.30am.

Parents/Guardians are required to provide the date, time and reason for the absence.  All student absences are reported on your child's Semester Report, as well as to relevant authorities. 

A SMS will be sent at 9.30am for unexplained student absences.  If there is no response to the SMS, a phone call will be made to the parent as this is a Mandatory Child Safe school requirement.

Late Arrivals/Early departures

Late arrivals and early departures of students must be signed in and out by an adult at the front office on the iPad located on the front desk. 

If your child has an appointment during the day, the Parent/Guardian must come to the office and sign out the student.  On such occasions, the students must be collected and returned via the front office. Parents/Guardians are required to sign your child back in to school upon return.

Visitor Sign-In

All visitors to St. Brendan's Primary School must report to the front office where visitors will be required to sign in and receive a visitor label/tag to wear.