St. Brendan's School Advisory Council is an important element in the leadership of our school.
The Vision and Mission statements of the school focusing on shared beliefs, aspirations and commitments along with the School Improvement Plan provide direction for Council Members.
The primary purpose of the School Advisory Council is to establish, monitor and implement the school improvement plan. No special skills are needed to become a School Advisory Council member - just a willingness and desire to be part of our school community in a real and practical way, to add your voice to making our school grow and function to the best of its ability.
The School Advisory Council consists of:- Ex-officio members: Principal, Leadership Team of the School and elected parent members - six to nine members.
The School Advisory Council welcomes new parents to St. Brendan's and invites them to take an active part of the development of our school.
Every year we hold our Annual General Meeting inviting parents and staff to attend.